GDS System
What is GDS System?
GDS System is a computerized network that facilitates transactions between travel service providers and travel agents.
The Global Distribution System reaches a large number of markets as one GDS is connected via B2B, B2C, B2E, and B2B2C markets. GDS system's primary customers are mainly travel agents, who are either following the OTA model or using web-based software to connect to GDS. GDS can be integrated by a professional travel portal development company into any travel website.
GDS System is a primary reservation tool for travel agents. GDS is a network that enables travel agencies and their clients to access travel data, shop for and compare reservation options and book travel.
Travel GDS provides real-time links to online booking software platforms, B2B B2C portals, and meta-search engines. It holds no inventory, rather it’s an aggregation and distribution platform.

How Does GDS System Work?
GDS System is a computerized web service collocated at a server, that provides travel deals worldwide including flight booking, hotel room booking, transfers booking, cruise and holiday packages.
The GDS system usually connects rates, services, bookings consolidating products and services across the major travel sectors like airline reservations, hotel reservations, car rentals, and other activities. Travel agencies use GDS to get real-time availability, and preferred rates for flight tickets, hotel rooms, and car rentals all over the world.
TripFro is a leading GDS travel software company, developing and deploying best in class travel booking systems with travel APIs and GDS connections.
A GDS delivers data in real-time, so agents can determine which particular flights, accommodation, or other services best suit their client’s needs in seconds. With the help of GDS, travel agencies use the products to provide travel-related services to their clients.

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