Sabre GDS System
Hotel API Integration
Hotel API Integration – Travelopro
Hotel API is a web service which is used for providing data of hotel inventories from hotelier’s system to support in searching of hotels and hotel rooms booking. Hotel API provides rates, availability and variety of services allowing your customers to choose the leading options for their ideal stay in a particular city. It will be integrated on to your own travel portal with payment gateway integration so it will enhance your client experience.
Travelopro provides a platform where Hotel Bookings can be simply done with a logical way to build a Hotel Booking Website. Hotel API integration boost your Travel Portal in every aspect, your customer or Travel Agent can find the greatest deal from the large number of hotel listings, book Room, cancel Room, develop tickets for booking and cancellation etc. very easily and efficiently.
How Hotel API work? And Who offer Best Hotel API for Hotel Business?
Hotel API establish on travel agent existing travel portal based on their need and get hotel data from global hotel suppliers to clarify hotel search and booking process to deliver best customer experience. If you want to boost Best Hotel Booking Experience than deliver large inventory with best capacity accommodation at competitive price.
Develop Travel Website with Hotel API functionality.
In global time, Hotels have many rooms type, images and services. Our Developer give you leading Hotel API which give you real-time hotel rates & accessibility and hotel booking/cancellation reports. With this integration of Hotel API, travel representative gets the all-hotel data such as hotel details like hotel name, location, longitude, latitude, hotel room pricing, hotel room accessibility, hotel facilities and other features from global hotel supplier.
