Travel Portal Solution
Travel Technology Software
Travel Technology Software - Global GDS
We work with travel aggregators, GDS, channel manager and Destination Management Company (DMC)
Global GDS is specialized in delivering cutting edge web technology and e-commerce solutions that empower you to exceed your customer's expectations. We provide our clients with the best travel solutions. We are providing mobile-friendly travel software which can be visible on any screen size.
We specialize in portal designing, development, and implementation of different GDS XML, API, testing & distribution to client hosts, after which we also manage the service for 24/7 technical and product support services.
As a leading travel technology company, we represent clients in more than 100 + countries. We offer specialized travel software solutions for travel brands such as white label software. We help travel business customers with creative and powerful online travel solutions that offer personalized online booking engines, high-quality services and more.
Travel Portal Development Company
Global GDS is a leading travel portal development company that provides global distribution systems for a travel agency and we are partners with multiple GDS providers such as Amadeus, Sabre, Galileo, World span and Travel port.
We have proven record in integrating GDS systems for the airline, hotel, car rental and holiday reservations with B2B, B2C and B2B2C solutions along with the admin module. Our GDS integration service will help your travel agency book thousands of airlines, hotel rooms, and vacations online.
Global GDS provides a one-stop solution for a wide range of travel products from the world's leading GDS. We integrate our single API for inventory from various GDS systems, Flight Consolidators and Low-Cost Carriers (LCCs). Our Global Distribution System helps you expand easily to the global market.
