Travel Agency Software
Travel Agency System
BookingXML is a travel software development company develop popular travel-based travel agency system that automate sales, operations, marketing and finances for Inbound Tour operators and Outbound Tour operators, Travel Agency, Online Travel Agency to support them to manage bookings, package customization, itinerary creation and quotation management to make a large portfolio of travel products like hotels, flights, transfers and activities to advance bookings.
Travel Agency System is a travel based popular travel software that manage and automates sales, bookings, operations and finances for Inbound Tour operators and Outbound Tour operators, Travel Agency, Online Travel Agency, Travel Company to manage their package customization, itinerary creation and booking to make a large portfolio of travel products like hotels, flights, transfers and activities to gain bookings.
What is Travel Agency system?
Travel agencies use travel agency applications to handle their services. These solutions protect front office and back-office activities. Agencies use this type of software to develop their offerings to current and prospective customers. Travel agency system spans across the full customer engagement cycle, from reservations, to billing, to customer feedback.
When financial tools are not combined in the solution, accounting software integration is necessary to process bills and payments. Maximum solutions also integrate with online reservation websites or with tour operator and vacation rental solutions.
Why Travel Agency System:
Simplifying leads & customer management for travel companies, the travel agency system has several features, including:
• Increase Conversion rate.
• Access to & management of leads from anywhere
• Package / Itinerary builder.
• Supplier Management.
• Bulk email with predesigned HTML templates.
• Customer handling and generate sales report.
