african trek & travel
Tanzania, United Republic of, Moshi
+225 628713290
4 Dаys Sеrеngеti Safari, Great Wildеbееst Мigrаtiоn Sаfаri оn Junе-Осtоbеr 2023 & 2024
The Serengeti wildebeest migration is one of the most spectacular wildlife events that takes place in East Africa. It is a continuous movement of wildebeest, accompanied by zebras and other grazers, as they search for fresh grazing pastures and water sources. The migration cycle is a continuous process, and the duration of specific stages can vary from year to year, depending on factors such as rainfall and food availability.

Day 1: Gathering and Preparation
The wildebeest migration typically begins in the southern Serengeti, where the herds gather in massive numbers. On the first day, you may witness large herds of wildebeest, numbering in the hundreds of thousands, as they prepare for the journey ahead. They graze on the abundant grasses of the southern Serengeti, building up their energy reserves for the arduous migration.

Day 2: The Great Migration Begins
As the herds sense the changing seasons and the need to move, they start their northward journey. On the second day, you might observe the wildebeest as they form long, snaking lines, moving in unison across the vast plains. The migration is characterized by dramatic river crossings, where the wildebeest brave crocodile-infested waters to reach the other side. These crossings can be dangerous and thrilling to witness.

Day 3: Crossing the Grumeti River
The Grumeti River is another major obstacle that the wildebeest encounter during their migration. On the third day, you might witness massive herds attempting to cross the river, facing strong currents and lurking predators. The sight of thousands of wildebeest gathering at the riverbank, mustering the courage to take the plunge, is truly awe-inspiring.

Day 4: Moving toward the Northern Serengeti
By the fourth day, the herds would have crossed the Grumeti River and continued their journey towards the northern Serengeti. This region offers lush grasslands and is a prime area for the wildebeest to graze and rest. As they move through the landscape, they leave

