Indian Valley Explorers - Tour Operador
Alto del Carmen - From Valley to Valley (3 days/2 nights)
An active and challenging experience !!!
During this program you move through the sunny Andean foothills of the Huasco Province and get to know this purely rural area and the secrets it keeps.
Our track takes us through the Tránsito Valley, also known as “Indian Valley” as it’s been refuge for the original inhabitants of the Diaguita culture since the spanish colonization of the sector. On our way you learn about past and present life of this people which is in a process of re-discovering its roots and reviving its culture.
In the tiny village of Pinte which is inserted in middle of multicoloured mountains and strange geological formations, you’ll be enveloped by the magical mood that characterizes this place. You’ll discover its fossil treassures that evidence lifeforms of many millions of years ago.
We share a delicious barbeque before spending the night camping below the clear starry nightsky. The next dawn we start our demanding 2 day trekking tour.
Following the traces of former indigenous cultures that inhabited the territory as well as the Incas who had arrived from the north, we cross the Tatúl mountain range with destination “Spaniards Valley” which owes its nickname to the fact that it was the main settlement place of the spanish colonists after their arrival in the 17th century.
We walk through lonely mountainous landscapes where the only thing we hear is the wind and the sound of birds and the only human beings that may cross our path, are the transhumant goat shepherds who keep their trade alive up to this day.
At about half the way and an altitude of 2800 m.a.s.l. , we set up camp and share some countryside stories at the edge of a campfire.
The 2nd day of our crossing, in the afternoon, an impressive view of the Carmen Valley opens up to us. We arrive quite exhausted but satisfied to San Félix, the main village of the Carmen Valley, where we are awaited with some well deserved refreshing drinks and snacks.
We then return in vehicle down valley
