Departs daily from hotels/lodges at 06h30, 09h00 and 15h00 in groups of 14 people per time. A...
Daily departs from hotels/lodge everyday at 17:00hrs. Minimum 2pax on Wednesdays & Saturday ...
Departs daily from 09:00hrs until 16:00hrs- You jump whenever you feel like it. With the fal...
Revival Safaris and Tours is able to transfer your delegates from airports surrounding Living...
Departs daily from hotels/lodges between 06:30hrs-09:30hrs and 15:00hrs till last light. Tran...
eparts daily from hotels/lodges at 09h00 and 14h30. Duration 2.5 hours. Minimum 2 pax The tow...
Departs daily from Day activity center/hotels and lodges within Livingstone. AM 08:00hrs-12:0...
Departs daily from hotels/lodges at 06h30 and 14h45. Duration 4 to 4.5 hours. Minimum 2 maxim...
Departs daily from hotels/lodges 06h30, 09h00 and 14h00. Duration 3 hours. Minimum 2 maximum ...
Departs daily from Livingstone hotels between 07h15-07h30. Duration full or half day. Half da...
Departs daily from Livingstone hotels between 07h30-08h00. Duration half or full day. Half da...
Departs daily from hotels/lodges at 09h00 or 14h30. Duration 2.5 hours. Minimum 2 pax Mukuni ...
Departs daily from hotels/lodges at 06h30, 09h00, 14h00 and 15h00. Duration 2.5 hours. Minimu...
Departs daily from hotels/lodges between 08h30-12h30 and 14h00-16h00. Duration 15 minutes in ...
Departs daily from hotels/lodges at 08h00, 09h00 and 14h30. Duration 3 hours. Minimum 2 pax T...
Departs daily from hotels/lodges at 07h30. Duration 10 hours. Minimum 2 pax. Botswana visa fe...
Departs daily from lodges/hotels half day 06h30-13h30. Return transfers to and from the spot ...