Jordan Tours & Travel
Petra Kitchen - An Arabic Cooking Course
Each evening, our participants cook a full Jordanian dinner including a soup, a number of both hot and cold mezza dishes (appetizers), and the main course. Some may remember a time when food preparation time was an anticipated and joyous social event, where family members come together to share their stories, the day's events and future plans while they work. You’ll have that same chance to chat and laugh with fellow cooks and our local staff while you prepare your evening meal; from the most basic chopping and grating to the elegant presentation of each Mezza dish, this event is a hallmark of Levantine cuisine.

Everything is local and fresh. Our olive oil is hand picked, dried and cold-pressed from the family's olive orchards in northern Jordan. All herbs and spices are locally grown. Our furnishings, the tables, aprons and dishes—are all local products, manufactured especially for the Petra Kitchen in local carpentry shops and cooperatives. For a millennia, Petra has been at the heart of the world’s spice trade, and the far-flung origins of many of our spices reflect a local sophistication with exotic imported seasonings. We continue this tradition in Petra Kitchen to this day.

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