Certified, the independent testing institute for hotels and event locations, has developed an objective hygien...
Do you have an event coming up? If you do, then you are probably getting ready to create a great event plan. T...
The Conference and Events Industry is fraught with uncertainty at the moment. In the midst of a global pandemi...
EVINTRA put together the world greatest list of important events in the Tourism & MICE Area
You have probably gotten dozens of daily invites for webinars during these last weeks. So, to stand out of the...
ITB Asia reached out with survival and recovery ideas for MICE & Tourism businesses but even for any other aff...
- a series of articles for tourism professionals
- series for tourism professionals By Maria Athanasopoulou, founder of the tourism marketing company Respond O...
An article by Huw Tucket, the executive Director of euromic
And put the padel to the metal…
London is home to more than 1,000 diverse venues, from blank canvas warehouse spaces and purpose-built confere...